Tuesday, March 6, 2012

... Thus ends the radio silence

It has been entirely too long since the last post. In part that is due to the fact that it has been entirely too cold to tote the camera around while doing chores. When one bundles up in a Carhart coat, a custom made stocking cap (complete with pom poms) and two pairs of gloves, one does not dawdle while filling waters and chatting up the livestock.

Today highs were in the upper 60s, the sun was shining and the snow was melting, so instead of immediately heading inside when getting home from work and school, we played.

The minions let the hens out and played with them in the yard. We have a flock of five Rhode Island Reds. They are on our place thanks to I-minion's instance. They have been keeping us well stocked in eggs this winter.


When he was 3-years-old he began pestering us about becoming a chicken farmer. We gave in. The hens are Sasquatch, Fluffy, Isabelle, Heart and The Colonel. The minions named four hens, and my husband named The Colonel. Based on their choices, I have retained veto power over the naming of all livestock coming to live here in the future.


The kids love the chickens. Baby O is insistent that he “Help with chickies. Get the eggs.” I think he is at least on par with me on accidentally broken eggs.

The sheep enjoyed their afternoon in the sun.

Churchill, Edward and Knightley pose.

Knightley was more than willing to show off his age by smiling.


Weston believes that she is read for her close up – or just a chance to smear up the lens on my camera.


Of course with a lovely spring thaw means that the mud is here. The school buses are only traveling on hard surface roads only. Edie and Ian have to get toted to the county blacktop about three miles from home to get on and off the bus.


With mud on the road and in the yard, it is also stuck in the paws of the dogs. We've had four days of sunshine and above freezing temperatures have helped dry things out, so hopefully this part of spring won't last too long.

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Mariah said...
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